Activating Healing (Visual Art)

Maya Alexandria
3 Questions for Maya
What was your process for creating this piece?
I usually focus on a singular idea or theme and then choose a corresponding crystal to help amplify the piece. For this painting, I wanted to focus on masculine healing. I chose David as the subject because he is an easily recognizable masculine subject for most audiences.
What is the significance of the medium you chose for this work?
I like to create art that I can touch, so I like to experiment with what I paste onto my canvas. Crystals have become a favorite since they have healing properties. I chose quartz for this piece because it neutralizes negativity, which is essential in promoting healing and growth. The outline of David is in Sharpie in order to comment that even aspects of ourselves that seem "permanent" can be healed with enough energy and intention.
What is the significance of this work to you?
This painting was a huge step for me. I wanted to explore masculine healing since most of my work focuses on the feminine and feminine trauma. In a way, this painting brings balance to me just as much as it does to the owner.
Maya Alexandria is a biracial African American writer, artist, poet, and filmmaker in California. She graduated from the University of California, Davis in 2020 with a degree in English with a concentration in Creative Writing. She is the Chief Marketing Officer and Producer of Mad Mouth Poetry Inc., a poetry coalition based in California that focuses on uplifting the voices of underrepresented poets. She has been published in a variety of magazines from The Parklander Magazine to RiskPress, and has had her poetry taught in the classroom at San Mateo Community College. Maya is currently studying film at NYU while working on poetry and prose projects. She looks for ways to dismantle the patriarchy in her spare time by painting outdoors, listening to jazz with her cat, and slaying dragons via video games.