Announcement: HHR On Hiatus for 2023

January 1, 2023

Dear Readers and Contributors,

Since 2020, we’ve published 13 issues featuring hybrid work and art by nearly 300 contributors. We love our work and wish to continue publishing Harpy Hybrid Review (HHR) for a long time to come. However, the past year has been a difficult one for our lead editors, and we have agreed to take a year off to focus on personal things, among them family and writing, and to work on updates to our website.  

If you have previously submitted to HHR, please know that all submissions we have received unto now have been reviewed and the submissions we’ve chosen for publication are up. We request not to be sent any more submissions or queries at this time as we will not be publishing any more work in 2023; any submission emails we receive this year will be left unanswered. Submissions will reopen in 2024 and the submission windows are TBA. 

During this year-long hiatus, as we will be focused on our own writing, we will email weekly writing prompts based on the amazing work we’ve had the pleasure of publishing as inspiration only. (Please do not contact us requesting for our editors to read your writing based on the prompts.) 

Thank you to all our readers and contributors, and see you next year (2024),

Janel Galnares and Lynn Finger

If you would like to sign up for our newsletter for hybrid writing prompts, you can subscribe here:

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