Call for Submissions – Issue #3

HHR is currently open for submissions from Nov. 1, 2020-December 15, 2020. We are accepting general submissions as well as themed submissions. Please refer to our submissions page for more information about the process for submitting work.

Our themed call is for works that consider, explore, explicate, and experiment with “Hybrid Identities.”

Hybrid Identities

A harpy is a creature of multiple identities. With multiple identities comes a unique perspective and experience of the world.

Nationalities, immigration, multiple languages, multiracial/multiethnic backgrounds, gender expression/identification, and diverse religious affiliations all give us layers and ways of viewing the world, ways into seeing truths that are revealed to us from all its corners; the good, the bad, all the gray; all the beauty and ugliness that can be unearthed. It is from this perspective that we ask for submissions for our next issue of HHR.

Art by Elena Valdés Chavarría

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